Bollywood playback singer Kumar Sanu dubbed a romantic song for Horror comedy film Khalli Balli at AMV Studio in Andheri West. Punam Thakkar and Suresh Raheja has composed the romantic song which is written by famous lyricist Shabbir Ahmed . Madhoo , Hemant Pandey and Rohan Mehra attended the recording .The film is produced by Kamal Kishor Mishra of One Entertainment Film Productions and Prachi movies. The film is written and directed by Manoj Sharma. The film is 65 percent complete and the next schedule will be in Lucknow . Dharmendra, Madhoo Shah, Rajniesh Duggal, Kainaat Arora, Rohan Mehra, Vijay Raaj, Rajpal Yadav, Hemant Pandey, Yasmeen Khan, Asrani and Ekta Jain are cast of the film. The film will release in April 2020.