Actor Vicky Kaushal who’s just wrapped the shoot of his upcoming Bhoot Part One: The Haunted Ship is currently busy with the promotions of his latest music video, Pachtaoge, alongside Nora Fatehi. During one of the interviews, amidst various other subjects, the actor has opened about the controversial party at Karan Johar’s place which was termed as ‘Udta Bollywood’ after netizens said they could sense the use of cocaine.
Vicky in a conversation with leading daily Mid-Day, revealed how he was unaware about the entire incident for 3 long days as he was busy shooting in Arunachal Pradesh. He narrated the entire saga as, “It was a very chilled-out party. That video is put out. And right after, I am in the hills in Arunachal Pradesh, with the Army, for three-four days, where there is no network. Obviously, I don’t know. And I have no clue that I’ve become the ‘charsi of the country’! I come back to Bombay, and my mom and dad know everything. They have been watching the news. They didn’t tell me before, because I would get affected, sitting there [in Arunachal]. So, I head to my room. Before going off to sleep, I get on Twitter, and then I’m like, “Hain? FIR! Yeh kya hua?” I’m looking at those videos circling, white thing, and light falling on the floor…”
He continued, “So I rushed out of my room to check if my mom and dad knew about this. And then they just gave a smile, and said, don’t worry. I was, like, okay, as long as they know, I’m sorted. Then the next day it started affecting me again, with TV channels circling my face in red!”
About why the actor didn’t clarify his stance back then, he clarified, “I thought I should come out and speak, but realised that would be an impulsive response. That is as impulsive as them factualising an assumption, which doesn’t make sense. Also, what happens on a social-media trial is this: It starts from, ‘They look drunk!’ Then it becomes, ‘Oh, they do look drunk.’ And then it becomes, ‘These are actors, they are drunk!’ Then it’s, ‘How dare they?’ ‘Shame on them, they’re drunk!’ You don’t know who to answer. But there are also 10 people asking others, “Kuch toh dimaag lagao, kya bole jaa rahe ho! [What’re you saying?]” So I had a choice to listen. Or react to much bigger things happening in the country than this.”
Well, clearly Vicky has surpassed the storm with his mature mind and is clearing the air just as needed! Meanwhile, the host KJo too in a recent interview spoke in length about it all and had rubbished all the ‘drugged state’ rumours!