Viineet Kumar packs a punch alongside Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar in Saand ki Aankh trailer
Mukkabaaz fame versatile actor Viineet Kumar is all set for his upcoming Diwali release Saand Ki Aankh. The trailer of Saand Ki Aankh starring Taapsee Pannu, Bhumi P
ednekar and Viineet Kumar is out now. The film revolves around Chandro and Prakashi who take up shooting at the age of 60 to encourage their daughters towards a bright future as they did not want their daughters to go through a lifetime of suppression.
Viineet is playing a dynamic role of the trainer to Taapsee Pannu (Prakashi) and Bhumi Pednekar (Chandro). Dr. Yashpal played by Viineet Kumar acts as a catalyst and provides support and strength to Prakashi and Chandro to combat patriarchy and truly come on their own. He is a harbringer of change in a deeply rooted male dominant society of Haryana. It's remarkable to see the film that totally focus on female protagonist and Viineet seems to have an impactful performance.
Not only in Saand Ki Aankh but Kumar will be debuting in his upcoming Netflix web Bard Of Blood releasing this September and his Aadhaar film is going to hit the theatres this December.
Saand Ki Aankh releasing on 27th October 2020.