Popular Bollywood actress Daisy Shah will soon mark her debut in Gujarati film. She will soon be seen in Gujarati film 'Gujarat 11', which is the first sports film written and directed Jayant Gilatar, who has previously called the shots for 'Natsamrat'.
Pratik Gandhi, Kavin Dave and Chetan Daiya are other cast of this film. There are more than 150 actors from Mumbai and Gujarat are working in this film . The film is produced by Haresh Patel , M S Jolly, Yash Shah and Jayant Gilatar under the banner of H G Pictures, Prolife Entertainment and Production Pvt Ltd, Y T Entertainment Ltd and J J Creations Production. Dilip Raval has written the lyrics for this film which is composed Roopkumar Rathod. The film will release on 29th November 2019. Zee Music Gujarati has taken the audio rights of this film.
Pratik Gandhi, Kavin Dave and Chetan Daiya are other cast of this film. There are more than 150 actors from Mumbai and Gujarat are working in this film . The film is produced by Haresh Patel , M S Jolly, Yash Shah and Jayant Gilatar under the banner of H G Pictures, Prolife Entertainment and Production Pvt Ltd, Y T Entertainment Ltd and J J Creations Production. Dilip Raval has written the lyrics for this film which is composed Roopkumar Rathod. The film will release on 29th November 2019. Zee Music Gujarati has taken the audio rights of this film.