Bengali actor and former Trinamool Congress MP Tapas Pal died in Mumbai on February 18 after suffering a cardiac arrest. He was 61.
Tapas Pal had gone to Mumbai to visit his daughter, and had complained of chest pain at the airport during his return to Kolkata and was rushed to a hospital in Juhu but died around 4am, news agency PTI reports, citing family sources.
He had been suffering from heart ailments and was hospitalised several times for treatment during the past two years.
Tapas Pal made his debut in Bollywood with Abodh in 1984 and was cast opposite Madhuri Dixit. The Hiren Nag-directed film also marked Madhuri's debut in the Hindi film industry
Tapas Pal had gone to Mumbai to visit his daughter, and had complained of chest pain at the airport during his return to Kolkata and was rushed to a hospital in Juhu but died around 4am, news agency PTI reports, citing family sources.
He had been suffering from heart ailments and was hospitalised several times for treatment during the past two years.
Tapas Pal made his debut in Bollywood with Abodh in 1984 and was cast opposite Madhuri Dixit. The Hiren Nag-directed film also marked Madhuri's debut in the Hindi film industry