Meet Khuda Haafiz Characters

 Meet Sameer Chaudhary, a Lucknow based software engineer. Beaten. Battered. Bruised.

But Unbowed; Determined in his quest to find his love in an unknown country.

@VidyutJammwal @ShivaleekaO  @annukapoor_  @AahanaKumra @shivpanditt @KumarMangat @AbhishekPathakk @faruk_kabir @Mithoon11  @Panoramamovies  @DisneyplusHSVIP @ZeeMusicCompany

Meet Nargis, Sameer’s innocent, young bride; excited to begin a new life in a distant country; But they are separated by a cruel twist of fate. 

Will their love win against all odds?  

#KhudaHaafiz #DisneyPlusHotstarMultiplex

@VidyutJammwal @ShivaleekaO  @annukapoor_  @AahanaKumra @shivpanditt @KumarMangat @AbhishekPathakk @faruk_kabir @Mithoon11  @Panoramamovies  @DisneyplusHSVIP @ZeeMusicCompany

Meet Usman Murad, an Afghan Pathan cab driver and a good samaritan

When everything stood against Sameer, Usman was his only confidant in a foreign.

#DisneyPlusHotstarMultiplex #KhudaHaafiz 

@VidyutJammwal @ShivaleekaO  @annukapoor_  @AahanaKumra @shivpanditt @KumarMangat @AbhishekPathakk @faruk_kabir @Mithoon11  @Panoramamovies  @DisneyplusHSVIP @ZeeMusicCompany