Well-known distributer turned director Raju Sitaram Kamble has launched his Marathi film "Mohini - Jagawegli Prem Katha" with song recordings. Well known music director from Hindi and Marathi film industry Dinesh Arjuna recently recorded 5 songs.
Meanwhile the director is in talks with a top Marathi heroine who won national award to play the title role.
The film will be made under the banner of Laxmi Film Entertainment and will be produced by Raju Kamble. Co-producer: Bhagwan Kamble. Music: Dinesh Arjuna. Story: Anil Shinde. Line producer: Sachin Sant. D.O.P. : Shashank Sonvane. Choreography: Ricky Jackson. Post Production: Organ Entertainment Pvt Ltd. Creative Head: Johnny Vaz. Production In Charge: Vijay Shukla. Production Assistant: Pratap Krishna Jadhav. Make-up incharge: Papu Palande. The shooting of the film will start in mid-September.